
Friday, 6 September 2013

Review: Scandal Eyes Thick and Thin Eyeliner

Another review today! This time is the Scandaleyes eyeliner. As far as I know it is not too old a product and when I bought it, it was £3.99 on introductory offer at Boots.

Before this, I had the Seventeen gel liner which was in all honesty, not great. I had tried to prevent myself wasting money and tried to finish the gel liner but it was impossible. I HAD to get another eyeliner. 

I haven't actually used liquid liners in quite a long time. I've used gel liners ever since the Maybelline one came out but felt like I should try liquid liners again.
Look, feels and works like a pen.
For some reason, I've lost my ability to draw on eyeliner properly this year after my makeup boycot, so I'm glad Rimmel brought out a liquid liner that feels just like a pen. It's easy to use, I'll give you that.

One of the annoying things about this is that it doesn't have a great staying power, especially if you have oily lids. My tip would be to go over it with a khol liner or some eye shadow but to be honest, I want my eyeliners to stay put on their own.
The line on the right hand side is draw with the tip of the felt tip so as you can see, it doesn't really create a "thin" line so the thick and thin name is a bit off. This actually put me off the liner quite a bit since I can't do flicks very easily with the thick tip.

Overall, I haven't really made up my mind about this liner because it's so easy to use. I'm not sure if I'd buy this again but I'll update when I use it a few more times!
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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Pick your own!

We headed to a local-ish farm to pick some fruits and veg recently because it was randomly sunny. It was very late to be picking since the summer fruits season has pretty much ended but it was a nice day so who cares right?
Sadly, there wasn't much left in the fields so we didn't really have a fruitful picking session (pun intended) :(, definitely going to go earlier next year!
I had this amazing drink from the farm shop. This bottle looks so vintage so I had to take a photo to commemorate. It wasn't ridiculously expensive either, which of course is another plus.
Tastes like roses, sparkles like lemonade=perfect

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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Review: Good Things Fresh Start Creamy Cleanser

A while ago, I really needed a facial cleanser because my Lush cleanser had gone past the use by date and I was convinced it had gone off. However, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away because it cost quite a bit and I had more than half a pot left. So it just sat there and I had nothing to wash my face with. 

Then I did what every face cleanse loving girl would do and popped into Boots and looked for a new one.

I was rushing because I needed to get to work so I saw this and I got it confused with the Balanced Me packaging and I was like yeah, Imma go for it since I'm a sucker for more natural products.
 Lo' and behold, when I got home and started applying it to my face, I was like wait, this isn't foaming or bubbling and then read the back. Basically, it's more of a hot cloth cleanser than your normal day-to-day wash off cleanser. Here are the instructions:
"Directions: Apply generously and massage well into your skin for a whole minute to loosen dirt, make-up and excess oil. Remove with a flannel that you have dipped in hot water and wrung out."

Source:Good Things website

It's a bit more effort but this stuff smells AMAZINNNNGGG! I think I'd be using this more in winter because at the moment, my face doesn't feel 'clean' when I wash cleanse with this. However, it is great at moisturising. For example when I've used this and moisturised afterwards, my face just feels so soft the next day.
This is actually the first time I've heard of Good Things before but I will def try some others next time, so if anyone has any suggestions, comment down below!
*disclaimer: this was bought with my own money and I am not associated with the brand in any way.
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Monday, 26 August 2013

Review: L'occitane Ultra Rich Body Cream

I got a few samples from L'occitane the other day and have begun trialing them.
I loved the round shape of this sample so that's where I started first haha. 
Forgot to take a photo before I ripped opened the packaging, too excited oops...
I don't usually use body butter/cream/lotion/whatever they call it but my skin is getting quite dry so I thought I'd give this a go. 

It's neither thick nor thin, just in the middle in my opinion. It's easy to spread and that blob was enough for my hand. 
It smells kind of grandma-ish with soft floral tones, which I don't particularly like, but I have to admit, the scent is growing on me. It also absorbs really quickly and gives my skin a healthy glow.
Despite its great qualities, it is quite expensive so I don't think I will be buying it since there are cheaper alternatives. On the other hand, if you feel like treating yourself, go for it :)

*Disclaimer: This was a sample that was not sent for reviewing purposes.

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Week in pictures-Saturday and Sunday

Source: Banner and Pattern both Google Images
I'm still playing catchup! So onto Saturday of LAST week lol. I had work so nothing to blog about tbh :/

Source: Banner and Pattern both Google Images
On Sunday, I decided to finally catch up on my sewing project today since I was free. I was supposed to head out but really didn't want to move :( *superlazy*
I originally wanted to make a peter pan collar top but it messed up and things went wrong so I decided to  rip the collar off and just make a plain, cropped navy shirt. I plan on wearing it with a chunky necklace or some statement pants/skirt. I'm also going to make a separate detachable collar so I can have the best of both worlds :)
I'm quite pleased with the fit since I drafted the pattern on my own haha. I just traced around an existing top but altered it slightly so I guess that still counts right?
I was going to make a tutorial but since it didn't go exactly to plan, I spent most of my time furiously ripping out thread and forgot to take more pictures.
I'll upload a photo of me wearing it soon.
I've got a few more projects that I want to do but I'm a seriously slow sewer mainly because things don't ever turn out the same way I plan so 80% of the time is spent on ripping seams, and starting again.
*Images are my own unless specified otherwise, please do not copy.
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Saturday, 24 August 2013


This post is really hard to write but I really need to get some stuff off my chest.

I've become rather unhappy at work recently, because of another colleague. Let's call them B. This is mainly due to B's slightly racist and very condescending/patronising way that he treats me. When I first started working, it was all fine and we'd chat and joke but recently it's like B's out on a witch hunt for me.

B comes from a good background with good parents but after finishing uni, couldn't find a course related job so has carried on living with parents. Now B look down on people based on which university they went to, what car/phone they have, where they live etc the list goes on whilst B plans to move his girlfriend in with his parents. Now, I'm not successful but I don't go around judging people based on where their house is when I can't afford to buy my own.

I know I am being waaay too sensitive about it because I am actually tainting my blog with negative shit but seriously, it's really gotten to me. I really like my boss so I stuck with the job until the end and now I'm leaving (because I'm moving), I'm actually really glad. I guess the saying high school never ends is really true, there's always a bully but you just really have to let them slide.

It feels amazing to get this out of my system. Ranting probably helps the soul.
P.S if anyone has any advice on how they deal with people like this at work then please comment below. I hope I won't get someone like this in my next job but who knows, better go prepared right?
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Week in pictures-Thursday and Friday

Woahhhhh, how fast has the week gone? Last Thursday I was like, I need to make a blog post but I'm too busy so I need to make it up on Friday and then Friday I did the same, pushing everything back a WHOLE WEEK! So I'm playing catch up. Two days condensed into one post. I am determined to document a whole week, in whatever way possible.
I literally rushed out of the house and took about 20min to get ready. So in a blind panic I just grabbed whatever from the fridge. Another yoghurt.
Wore my new shoes but felt slightly weird with white shoes.Plus it started raining and the shoes kept getting raindrops on which made it look like it was getting mud on it. Meh, feels like a bad buy :(.
Source:Google Images,Tumblr
Watched UP! Oh My Gawd. Bad decision. I was crying within the first five minutes. Then again half an hour in. And then at the end. It was just a non stop cry fest. Such a touching film.
Woke up early for work but was late I can't even remember why. My face was swollen from "Up!" and my eyes were all puffy so I looked an absolute state.
Put on some lipstick because to prevent myself looking like a complete ghost.
I painted my nails with Sinful Colours nail polish. I only put on 2 light coats so it was pretty light. It looks kind of pastel-y but I like it. I think it looks best with a black base coat though.
Finally bought some essential strappy vests, I put off doing so for soooo long that I avoided wearing all my white/cream chiffon clothing haha.
Blogging is hard :( Plus the way that blogger makes it hard to organise the positions of my photos makes it harder. grrrrrr.

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Week in pictures-Wednesday

Banner from Googler Polka dot background from Google
Another early morning today :( Boo waking up early!

I didn't even manage to get a lot of pictures today because my phone decided it doesn't want to take photos and since I was at work DSLR wasn't possible :(

Source:Google Images,
I guess this isn't really today but I watched Monsters University last night! I LOVED Monsters Inc. Seriously, I watched it a bazillion times when I was younger and when I found out that this was coming out I was like OMGJDKGJBAKV. It was great but it's got nothing on the first film. 

Today's been interesting. A lot happened work-wise but nothing immensely interesting.
Bought a sandwich from Pret which in my opinion is nice but seriously overpriced for what it is but hey ho, who've I got to blame for being lazy and not making my own lunch.

And now I'm home. I've just spent half an hour trying to find the usb cable for my camera only to find it in the most obvious place possible. I even tidied my wardrobe to check I hadn't chucked it in there with a bundle of clothes >.<. All this effort for just this one photo as well. *sigh*

It tasted nice and I have nothing else to take pictures of except food haha.

*All photos are my own unless stated otherwise, please do not copy.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Week in pictures-Tuesday

Second day into my photo regime and I'm finding it hard! I think I can blame it on the fact that I'm working today so I'm not free to just walk about with my camera snapping whatever I want.

Anyway, I had to wake up early this morning :( I'm really not a morning person.
Started off the day with some fruit and yoghurt. This makes me look so healthy haha.

It was raining today :( I couldn't find an umbrella so just braved it. It was only drizzling so it wasn't too bad.
Bought some snacks. Ate three. Opps  

 Super jazzy socks from Topman.
Not really in Moldova but RED is a nice way to end a post. :)

*All photos are my own unless stated otherwise, please do not copy.
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Monday, 12 August 2013

Week in pictures-Monday

I am a massive lover of photography and finally invested in a DSLR after contemplating for years. Sadly, I haven't even put it to much good use and it's been sitting on a shelf, gathering dust. :(

So no more abandonment dear camera! I shall use it to document days in my life, no matter how mundane, because I want to look back on this blog someday and be like "Oh, that was a good day!".
Floral pattern and banner outline:Google Images

My day off so I may have slept in until 12am...Annnnyway, woke up and had like 3 packs of this sushi that they sell in a nearby supermarket. Not the most authentic but 'twas cheap, can't complain.

Admired my orchids for a while. When I bought it, the white one looked really sad and my mum was like it's probably not going to make it so just leave it. But because it was so pretty and I was determined to nurse it back to health I bought it back and gave it some TLC and voila! My baby's all good! I think I surprised everyone because the last time I had a plant in my room, it went from healthy to clutching on for dear life because I forgot to water it. But this time, I showed them ;)

 Then I watched a bit of 500 Days of Summer . I recently read a snippet of an interview with JGL where he gave his explanation of the film and it has helped me truly understand the film. I used to be like a lot of people, blaming Summer for their relationship's demise and found her actions selfish. But really, Tom's expectations were unrealistic. I think this is a beautiful film, especially now that I'm viewing it from a perspective that the director intended.

"He develops a mildly delusional obsession over a girl onto whom he projects all these fantasies. He thinks she’ll give his life meaning because he doesn’t care about much else going on in his life." 
"A lot of boys and girls think their lives will have meaning if they find a partner who wants nothing else in life but them," he concluded. "That’s not healthy. That’s falling in love with the idea of a person, not the actual person."

Source: Tumblr
Anyway, have a good day :)

*All photos are my own unless stated otherwise, please do not copy.
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